Finally A Better Form Of Chemotherapy. I.P.T.L.D.
Finally, a Better Form of Chemotherapy,
By John Frank
Copyright 2013 by John Frank
Finally, a better form of Chemotherapy
Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose
What is it?
I.P.T.L.D. is a treatment for killing cancer cells which, utilizes insulin’s ability to lower blood sugar levels and cancer‘s ‘love of sugar’ to target cancer cells.
How does this work?
First you are given insulin which lowers your blood sugar level. When your blood sugar drops to the appropriate level, you are given glucose tainted with chemo. This method targets the cancer tumors. Compared to the standard chemotherapy used today, I.P.T.L.D. uses only 1/10 the amount of chemo.
Does this procedure sound familiar? It should, it's similar to a pet scan. With a pet scan the patient refrains from eating for 4 to 6 hours before being given glucose tainted with radiation so they can locate the cancer tumors.
Some critics have said that IPT LD lowers your blood sugar to dangerous levels. But this is monitored by trained technicians where with a pet scan the patient is at home alone with no one to check on him as he self-lowers his sugar levels. So it appears to me that the IPT LD is as safe, if not safer than a pet scan and better than the standard chemotherapy.
Using one 10th the amount of chemo and targeting the cancer cells, is better than flooding your body with poison, killing the cancer cells, damaging normal cells and weakening your immune system, as todays chemotherapy does. By utilizing I.P.T.L.D. a cancer patient can lead a relatively normal life while fighting cancer. The patient will have, little if any hair loss and a minimum amount of time recovering from this form of chemo. To better understand why this works let’s look at cancer.
Cancer, what is it?
It's not a virus, it's not a bacteria. We can’t catch it from someone else. We can’t pass it on to someone else. It’s our own cells turned cancerous. (Which explains why there are so many types of cancer; liver Cancer lung Cancer brain Cancer, etc.)
How does this happen?
When the outer membrane of our cell gets damaged, it may not be able to take in oxygen.
Normal cells oxidize their food to create energy. They must create energy to live. If they can’t create energy they will die. If the damaged cell cannot take in enough oxygen it will ferment the glucose instead of oxidizing it. Note; it can only ferment glucose, fats and proteins do not ferment. This doesn't sound like much but the difference is oxidation is very efficient, leaving the cell enough time to produce energy and to function as a liver cell or a brain cell or whatever cells it happens to be. But when a cell is forced into fermenting its food source for energy, the fermentation process takes a lot longer. This puts an extra burden on the cell. Some cells will continue to do this through its life cycle. But at some point some cells will say I’ve had enough and throw in the towel, so to speak and become a more basic cell where all it will do is eat and replicate. Now it is a cancer cell and when it replicates it produces more cancer cells just like itself.
For the love of sugar:
When we hear the phrase cancer cells ‘love sugar’ it’s kind of miss leading. The reality is, they need sugar to survive. This is where insulin enters into the picture. Insulin is the hormone that delivers glucose to the cells. All cells have insulin receptors. Cancer cells can have up to 15 times the number of insulin receptors that normal cells have. They’re going to get the glucose first. That’s why pet scans and I.P.T.L.D. work. Both procedures lower the blood sugar levels leaving the cancer cells eagerly awaiting the next shipment of glucose. With a pet scan we supply glucose with radiation, so we can locate the cancer tumors. With I.P.T.L.D. we supply glucose with chemo, to kill the cancer cells.
Today’s chemotherapy versus I.P.T.L.D.:
So when we compare today’s standard chemotherapy with I.P.T.L.D. It becomes obvious why I.P.T.L.D. should replace the present chemotherapy. Today’s chemotherapy floods the body with poison and kills all the cancer cells. Cancer cells are weaker cells and they die first. The poisons also damages normal cells and weaken the immune system. The old cancer does not return but we have set the stage for new cancers to develop. And I said new cancers “plural” because we have now set the stage for cancer to develop throughout our body. The cancer doesn’t necessarily “spread” through our bodies but now has the opportunity to develop in multiple places throughout our bodies. Dead cancer cells don’t “spread” anything, anywhere. With less impact on the patient’s body and immune system, the patient will have a better chance of becoming a cancer survivor instead of a cancer victim.
Let’s talk a little more about cancer.
We mentioned that damaged cells can become precancerous and that precancerous cells can become cancer cells. When does this happen? All the time!! So why don’t we all have cancer? Our immune system finds these cancer cells, destroys them and removes them from our bodies.
We develop cancer when our bodies produce more cancer cells than our immune system can handle.
What causes cancer?
The list could fill this page. We have smoking, radiation, asbestos, toxins, etc.
Most of these are very familiar to us. We hear about them all the time. But, we also have an unhealthy lifestyle, which can contribute to the development of cancer cells. Dr. Oz and Dr. Hyman and many others have suggestions for a healthier lifestyle. Areas of diet, vitamin and mineral supplements, exercise, sleep and stress reduction, etc. These all play a part in keeping our bodies healthy, our cells healthy and our immune system healthy.
Vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, supports our P 53 checker gene, one of the key players in our immune system. Are you getting enough sunshine or vitamin D3?
Another thing we don't normally think of is poor maintenance of our cell membrane. Our cell membranes are made of DHA (omega-3 fats). If you read Dr. Hyman’s book “The Ultra Mind Solution” chapter 6 on optimizing nutrition, you probably wouldn’t let a day go by without taking an omega-3 fish oil pill. In the past our intake of corn oil and fish oil were 1 to 1. Today our intake of corn oil and fish oil are 10 to 1. If you're not eating fish two or three times a week you probably aren't getting enough omega-3 fats.
So you're probably not getting enough raw materials to maintain a healthy cell membrane. It's like having an older two-story brick building that needs to be tuck pointed. But, when the repair truck pulls up, it’s loaded with plywood. The plywood wouldn’t do you much good. The same is true about not having any omega-3 fats. So it would probably be a good idea to take some omega-3 fish oil pills. This is probably true about your diet in general. Get their books, read their diets and get some good food into your life again. Remember as you are fighting cancer the goal is to get your body and your immune system back to where it was when it was able to keep cancer at bay.
Killing cancer cells:
Yes, you can kill cancer cells all by yourself. All you have to do is eat and drink foods heavy with antioxidants. The problem is this can be dangerous!!
When you kill cancer cells the body removes them via an inflammatory process. Just like when you injure your arm. The injured area swells and gets warm. The swelling can be a problem with some types of cancers, such as; brain cancer, bone cancer, tumors near the spine, tumors near an artery, etc. With these cancers any swelling could cause problems ranging from painful to deadly.
Treating cancer should be done under doctor’s care. And that’s the same with diet and exercise, vitamin
s and supplements, all of these should be passed by your doctor before engaging in them.
A final word on I.P.T.L.D.:
Today there are about 24 clinics in United States offering this treatment. I.P.T.L.D. is not available in all states. Your doctor may not even know about this treatment. And even if he did he could not even recommend it unless it has been approved by your state’s regulating body. Today, if you have the time and money you could go to Phoenix Arizona for treatments. Mesa which borders Phoenix on the east has three clinics and Scottsdale which borders Phoenix on the West has one clinic. But, I believe that I.P.T.L.D. should be available to everyone. If you agree write your congressman, write the cancer society, form groups and complain to your doctor. Do whatever it takes to make this treatment available to all cancer patients.
For a better explanation of I.P.T.L.D.
Watch the lectures given by Dr. Richard Linchitz, M.D.
And learn more at Dr. Richard Linchitz’s web-site.
Be sure and check out the website of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, M.D.
Whose grandfather pioneered the development of IPT and IPTLD.
And for a list of Doctors who offer the IPT treatment see:
I started looking at cancer, when my son’s father-in-law’s bone cancer came back and he was scheduled for chemotherapy. I gave him some: multi-vitamins and minerals pills, some fish oil pills, some vitamin D3 pills and a concentrated fruit drink that was high in resveratrol and antioxidants. His doctor said he could take everything except the fruit drink.
Not knowing much about cancer I just accepted that. After the chemo he had surgery and stem cell replacement. Then his doctor said it was okay, in fact encouraged him, to drink the fruit drink. This made me curious and I looked up bone cancer on the web. I found a website that explained why the swelling, that occurs when killing cancer cells, could be a problem for certain types of cancer.
The report also mentioned I.P.T. So I looked it up and wondered why it wasn’t being used. I decided to check with a noted institution, actually the Mayo Clinic’s website. It said there had not been any studies done and that the procedure dropped the blood sugar levels to a dangerously low level (since then that statement has been changed and modified on the Mayo Clinic’s website).
So I e-mailed Dr. Garcia and suggested that he use glucose along with the insulin. He was nice enough to reply to my e-mail and told me to check his website because that is what they do. So I went to the websites listed above to get a better idea of what IPTLD was all about.
Amongst other things, I learned that in 2008 at a convention in Las Vegas the doctors there approached the cancer society to do a study on I.P.T.L.D. But the cancer society reps decided not to do a study because there was not enough data. Well, the purpose of the study was to get the data. The doctors were disappointed and left frustrated with the cancer society.
But I could understand the reps not wanting to show up on Monday morning explaining to their associates that they had just allocated tens of thousands of dollars at a Las Vegas convention to do study on a treatment developed in a clinic in Tijuana Mexico. The words Las Vegas and Tijuana do not conjure up visions of cancer research.
As I had mentioned before there are about two dozen clinics offering this treatment. That isn’t good enough. We need to have I.P.T.L.D. approved an available for all cancer patients. If you’ve looked at the above website and feel the same, please pass this on to others.
Hopefully, someone will get a hold of this that knows how to organize and get this moving in the right direction. I’m attaching my e-mail address in case you have some questions, but if I should get swamped with e-mails, I may not be able to reply to everyone. So if you’re inspired to do something, don’t wait for my reply.
John Frank